To enhance the academic Excellency in studying, teaching, research and applications in Mathematics.
To preserve and promote the professional ethics and rights and welfare of teachers and researchers of Mathematics.
To work continuously for promoting Mathematics maintaining good relations with the national and international educational and academic organizations.
To work for increasing the popularity of Mathematics in local levels.
The Society aims to conduct the following programs for achieving its objectives.
- For promoting the studies, teaching and research in Mathematics organizing workshops, seminars, conference, trainings, and symposium in local, national and international levels.
- Publishing bulletins, journals, newsletters etc., including various areas of Mathematics.
- Preparation of necessary work-plan and its implementation to preserve and promote the professional ethics and rights and welfare of teachers and researchers of Mathematics.
- Organize essential programs maintaining coordination with the educational technical and academic national and international organizations for the promotion of Mathematics.
- Publishing and exhibition of materials for increasing interest of people towards mathematics and organizing programs that highlight the importance of Mathematics in other subjects and areas.
- Work for creating environment for curriculum development and revision in all levels of educational programs and involve society in the process.
- Prepare and implement necessary work-plan to manage necessary financial sources for accomplishing the objectives of the society.
- Make efforts to enhance the implementation of Mathematics in industrial and other areas.