Past Events of NMS
Year 2016-2020
The silkroad Mathematics center, Beijing organized an international conference on Mathematical optimization, April 8-13, 2019. The presidents of Nepal Mathematical society, Prof. Dr. Chet Raj Bhatta attend the steering committee meeting held on April 11, 2019 and participated in the conference. Prof. Bhatta delivered a talk entitle “ Nepal Mathematical society for the development of Nation ”Prof. Dr. Tank Nath Dhamala and Prof. Dr. Ram Prasad Ghimire delivered an invited takes. Ph. D. scholar Mr. Sunil Ghimire, Mr. Shyam Sundar Sah and Mr. Phanindra Prasad Bhandari participate in the conference with poster.
Silkroad Mathematics center also organized the 12th International conference on numerical optimization and numerical linear algebra, April 15-18,2019in Shangrao, Jiangxi, china
Nepal Mathematical Society organized NMS- Fellowship award distribution program on the dated 28 th march 2019 at Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University; In the program, seven PhD, three M.Phil. , and two masters’ students were awarded each with Rs. 35000, 25000, and 25000 respectively with the NMS fellowship.
The Nick Simons Foundation supported the Fund for fellowship. Professor James Harrish Simons was present in the program as the chief guest and distributed the awards himself; J. H. Simons is an great American mathematician and multi billionaire; he was awarded by honorary life membership of Nepal Mathematical Society, and involved actively in an interaction program with life members of NMS; Prof J.H Simons shared his own research experience to motivate the researchers in mathematics.

Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) organized "Project Work Guiding program for Bachelor’s Level in Mathematics" on the dated Mangsir 25, 2075 in Amrit Campus, Lainchaur, Kathmandu; The program was chaired by NMS president and chief guest was Campus chief of Amrit campus; In the program, two resource persons Dr. Durga Jung KC and Dr. Santosh Ghimire delivered their talk about features of Project work, its Importance, and Way of Writing Project Work respectively; more than hundred students from Amrit campus, Tri-chandra campus and Patan campus were present ; This program was basically designed for faculties of mathematics and bachelor third/fourth year students of Mathematics.
Nepal Mathematical Society jointly with Department of Mathematics, Tri-Chandra Campus organized the program to celebrate International Day of Mathematics (IDM) called Pie Day in March 14, 2019; the program was chaired by NMS President Prof.Dr Chet Raj Bhatta; the chief guest of the program was Former President of NMS Prof.Dr.Hom Nath Bhattarai.
Nepal Mathematical Society organized National Level Mathematical Quiz on the dated Magh 10-12 in Kathmandu world school, Gundu Bhaktpur; The inaugural program was chaired by NMS president and the chief guest was Prof.Dr.Chandra Mani Poudel, Chairman , NEB, Sanothimi;In the program sixty four plus two colleges were participated from from Kathmandu valley and outside valley. Nepal Mega College, The Times College, St. Lawrence College, Kathmandu and New Capital College, Chitwan reached in final round; and finally The Times College, Kathmandu became the winner of the Quiz program. Bal Krishna Acharya and Pratik Bhandari were the winners of the program from the Times College; furthermore, Nepal Mega College, Kathmandu was the first runner up and St. Lawrence College was second runner up. The program was supported by Kathmandu World School, six engineering colleges, PEA Association pvt ltd. Sukunda Pustak Bhawan for their significant contribution to provide venue, local hospitality, and financial support; in the opening and final day of the program great number of mathematicians were present; the program was chaired by NMS president Prof.Dr Chet Raj Bhatta and director of CDC Dr. Lakh Nath Poudel were the Chief guest of the program; the coordinator of the quiz program Mr. Niraj sharma and with his team members made the program grand success with their significant contribution.
Nepal Mathematical Society organized the 7th National Conference on Mathematics and Its applications (NCMA-2019) was held from Jan.12-15, 2019 in Butwal; In the opening session, Sudarsan Baral Minister of social development of pradesh no. 5 put his serious concern in existing teaching and learning environment in Nepal; he mentioned many scientific facts and focused to search the easy way to teach mathematics in school and college level; president of Nepal Mathematical Society, Prof.Dr. Chet Raj Bhatta delivered his remarks in opening ceremony of 7th National Conference on Mathematics and its Applications; he focused his speech about the research activities and its importance in development of any country; He appreciated the opinions made by the minister Sudarsan Baral pradesh no 5 that commit to help every mathematical activities in Nepal; In the conference there were about 80 oral and 20 poster presentations made by researchers from Nepal and India. In the program,
Nepal Mathematical society organized a talk program on the topic Summation of Divergent Series; Professor Bhadra Man Tuladhar delivered the talk on December 6, 2018(2075/08/20, at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, and Kirtipur during 2:00-3:00pm.
Nepal Mathematical Society organized interaction program on the dated 2075/08/03, with Nepal Mathematical Council; Nepal Mathematics Centre; Mathematical Sciences Trust Nepal and WoNiMS. In the program, there was meticulous analysis and rigorous discussion about the curriculum structure of class 11 , 12 and as a whole school level; furthermore, the program formed a committee of six members to make concern and collect the fact about the curriculum and to make combined effort so that there is always open to all to study mathematics on their choice; NMS president is the coordinator of committee; presidents of above mentioned organizations are members and NMS secretary as a member secretary.
Nepal Mathematical Society(NMS) 40th General Assembly (AGM) is concluded and new executive committee has been formed under the presidentship of Prof. Dr. Chet Raj Bhatta on September 1, 2018 (Bhadra 16, 2075, Saturday) at Central Department of Mathematics (CDM), Kirtipur.
July 15, 2018: NMS distributed NMS-Fellowship to 16 Nepaeses PhD research scholars from universities of Nepal. The amount of each NMS-Fellowship is NRS 25,000 (Twenty Five Thousands Nepaelse Rupees). The NMS-Fellowship was financially supported by Nick Simons Foundation. The Fellowship was distributed by the Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Shudha Tripathi, TU Rector in the presence of Prof. Dr. Tanka Nath Dhamala, President of NMS, Dr. Anil Shrestha, Executive Director of Nick Simon Foundation, NMS Past presidents, NMS members, professors and students of Mathematics. The program was orgainsed at Central Department of Mathematics(CDM), Kirtipur. For detail information, please click here...
Nepal Mathematical Society(NMS) has celebrated its 40th annual anniversary on May 12, 2018 at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur. For detailed News, Please CLICK HERE ...
NMS has launched its Online and Print version (In Press) journal articles in the Journal of Nepal Mathematicsl Society (JNMS) on February 14, 2018. For more detail please visit HERE ...
NMS Picnic-2074: NMS is going to organize a picnic on Falgun 12, 2074 (Saturday, February 24, 2018). For more information Click here ....
Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) has celebrated the 39th General Asembly on Shrawan 21, 2074 (Saturday, August 5, 2017) at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur. The program was inaugrated by Prof. Dr. Shudha Tripathi as Chief Guest, the Rector of Tribhuvan Univeristy (TU). The Registrar of TU, Prof. Dr. Dilli Ram Upreti was also presented as a Special Guest. There were more than 80 society members including NMS past-Presidents and President of Nepal Physical Society (NPS) participated to celebrate the occassion. Mr. Ananda Krishna Shrestha from Sukunda Pustak Bhavan, a well-wishes of NMS provided the amount of 55,000 NRP to NMS.
Nepal Mathematical Society(NMS) celebrated its 39th annual anniversary on may 29, 2017(Jestha 13, 2074) at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur. For detailed News, Please CLICK HERE ...
The Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University announces a Seminar-Workshop on “Graph Theory and Optimization with Applications in Industry and Society (Advanced Network Flows: Algorithms and Game Theoretic Views)” from March 26-April 06, 2017. More details Click here ....
New Announcement: Department of Mathematics, Balmeeki Campus, Nepal Sanskrit University (NSU) organizes a National Conference on History and Recent Trends of Mathematics (NCHRTM - 2017), June 02-04, at Kathmandu, Nepal in collaboration with Tribhuvan Universit (TU), Kathmandu University (KU) and Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS).
Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) and Association of Neplease Mathematicians in America (ANMA) Jointly establishes NMS-ANMA FELLOWSHIP to one male and one female students scoring the highest marks in entrance examination (M.Sc/M.A in Mathematics Program) at Central Department of Mathematics (CDM), Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal. Each student will receive NRP 10,000 under this FELLOWSHIP.
NMS has successfully organized the National Conference on Mathematics and Its Applications (NCMA-2017)from Janurary 11-13, 2017 (Paush 27-29, 2073) at Chitwan, Nepal. For more information, Click Here ...
The Silkroad Mathematics Center, Beijing organizes an international conference in PDE, April 10-21, 2017. NMS is one of the organizing member society. NMS has nominated Prof. Kedar Nath Uprety as one of the program committee members of this conference. NMS calls applications from PhD scholars and young post-docs NMS members in PDE related research areas by December 31, 2016. One page motivation letter, max 3 pages cv with list of publications and one recommendation should be attached to NMS Secretary. NMS will nominate 3-5 strong research candidates for the conference support.
NMS has become a member society of the Silkroad Mathematics Center, Beijing, China. NMS president Prof. Dhamala has been nominated as one of the members of the Steering Committee of the center.

NMS congraluates Prof. Dr. Tanka Nath Dhamala, Dr. Urmila Pyakurel and Dr. Saraswati Acharya for receiving respectively the NAST NABIL Science and Technology Award, Science and Technology Youth Award and The Word Academy of Sciences Award (TWAS) in the year 2016 .
Year 2016
International Conference on Applications of Mathematics to Nonlinear Sciences (AMNS-2016) successfully completed on May 29, 2016 with more than 200 participants and 141 papers from 18 countries were presented. The conference was inaugurated by vice chancellor of NAST Prof. Dr. Jibaraj Pokharel. The conference was Jointly Organized by
Prof. Sergey Tikhonov, ICREA and CRM, from Spain, is going to deliver his talk on the following topic "A general monotonicity concept and its applications", on April 6, 2016, Wednesday, 3:00 PM at Central Department of Mathematics,Tribhuvan University, Kitipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Prof. Dr. Harihar Khanal, Department of Mathematics, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida , USA , is going to deliver his talk on the following topic
"Computational models of spatio-temporal signalling in rod phototransduction" , on March 14, 2016, Monday 2:30 PM at Central Department of Mathematics,Tribhuvan University, Kitipur, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Other News
The 38th General Assembly of Nepal Mathematical Society was organized at Central Department of Mathematics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur on Saturday Shrawan 15, 2073 ( July 30, 2016).
Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) has celebrated its 38th Anniversary on Saturday, May 15, 2016 (Jestha 1, 2073) at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur. The rector of TU, Prof. Dr. Sudha Tripathi, was the chief guest of the ceremony. The Dean, assistant Dean of IOST-TU, past NMS-presidents, professors of Mathematics, and around 150 Nepalese mathematicians were also present in the ceremony. During the ceremony 12th issue of the NMS newsletter has been released by the chief guest.
Year 2015
Prof. Steven James Pearce School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada is going to deliver a talk in the topic "A solution to the Lane–Emden equation in the theory of stellar structure utilizing the Tau Method" on December 18 (Poush 3), 2015, Friday 3:00 PM at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur, Nepal.
"A novel mechanical model for phase-seperation and mixing: With applications in Natural Sciences and Engineering", by Prof. Dr. Shiva Prasad Pudasaini on August 19, 2015 at Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Two days seminar on "Recent Developments in Mathematics and its Applications" during September 21 - 22, 2015 organised by Central Department of Mathematics, TU, Kirtipur, Nepal.
Other News
Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS) congratulates the promoted Associate Professors in Mathematics of Tribhuvan University on the date 2015-10-10...